I am posting a copy of my letter to a "National Youth Organization" that I wrote in 2009. Since this letter nothing has happened in our county and this saddens me.
In recent news (Teen Suicides in Small Town ) and a possible upcoming election I wanted to share my efforts at trying to make a difference. I believe 100% that children, youth and families are missing out on opportunities for assistance because the social service sector, as it relates to child and youth mental health, is not deemed an essential service. There are a lot of people - individuals and families who are suffering needlessly and something needs to be done. Please read my letter below and let me know your questions or comments.
December 8, 2009
Dear “National Youth Organization”,
I am contacting you both today to express my concerns around the recent decision by “National Youth Organization” to have “Sandra’s” role be more of a fundraising role rather than an awareness role in our County. This may be the case [the role function] for all of “Sandra’s” territories and ““National Youth Organization” as a whole but obviously my main concern is with our area.
I understand that “National Youth Organization” is in a position where much needed funds are required in order to keep the “National Youth Organization” program fully operational. I hope that the organization can sustain the current level of 24/7 service to all children and youth because as you both know, this service is so essential for their mental health, well-being and positive development.
My original contact to “National Youth Organization” in February 2008 was to see how I could help raise the awareness of this great service in our area. I was immediately patched over to “Mary” who as you both know was also in a fundraising role. I decided not to pursue any type of fundraising at this time because I felt our small town could not withstand yet another community fundraiser. In November of the same year I got back in touch with “Mary” and was told that fundraising was the main way I could help out “National Youth Organization”. It was at this time that I asked about the numbers [of kids who use the service] for our area and it was because the numbers were so much higher than I anticipated I decided to pursue the “major fundraising event” for 2009. Hence, I was fulfilling a need for “National Youth Organization” to fundraise. Here we are now December 2009 and I am told that this is still all that can be done? Fundraise. How can we expect people to donate money to a cause they know little to nothing about?!
I admit that I am disappointed that having “Sandra” in Ottawa isn’t as much a positive impact on our area here as I had initially thought it was going to be. Maybe this was wishful thinking on my part but I say this because it was my hope and my belief that part of her job would be to help raise the profile of “National Youth Organization”” in my County. Make connections with important people and important organizations. Things I am just not able to do as a volunteer. Basically, I feel as though we are not important enough in this area because we don’t generate the big money like Ottawa , Toronto , Kingston “major fundraising event” sites do. I realize that is a big statement but that is the message I am getting about this decision to focus on fundraising and not awareness.
Let me inform you a bit about our County. The area is unique, it is geographically large and the county has one in eight families living in poverty (reference). I’ve attached a copy of a submission to Poverty Reduction Cabinet Committee in Queen’s Park, Toronto for your perusal.
Also, I’ve recently reviewed a final report on Mental Health, Mental Illness and Addiction entitled “OUT OF THE SHADOWS AT LAST TRANSFORMING MENTAL HEALTH, MENTAL ILLNESS AND ADDICTION SERVICES IN CANADA” authored by The Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology - The Honourable Michael J.L.Kirby, Chair and The Honourable Wilbert Joseph Keon, Deputy Chair in May 2006. I encourage you to access and peruse this report online at Mental Health, Mental Illness & Addiction . Chapter 6 is of particular interest as it relates to Children & Youth.
I would encourage you and others at “National Youth Organization” to review this report. Section - Practical Roadblocks speaks about a gap in schools where there is no service available to help schools and the kids in schools deal with potential problems that may come up if mental health screenings were transferred to schools (which is one of the report high-lights). I see huge opportunities for expanding “National Youth Organization” as an essential type service to school boards in and across our County and elsewhere. But again, how can this happen if people aren’t being dedicated to enhancing and increasing this awareness? In fact I will boldly state that I believe so much in the importance of “National Youth Organization” and what the counselors do for children, youth and their families that I think the service should be deemed essential. Helping the kids should be priority one – not fundraising!
I realize I’ve thrown a lot out there in just one e-mail so I will wrap this up for now.
I would appreciate if you both would take some time to review and consider what I have provided to you here and maybe we can arrange to have a further meeting to discuss this in more detail.
I am asking “National Youth Organization” to please re-consider their views towards our County as the need is tremendous in my opinion and we can’t afford to sit back and wait to raise money. We have to raise the awareness now and then seek out the money as the awareness grows and people know about the positive aspects of the service. I struggled with the “Toronto ” address, the large city image and corporate branding last year. I struggled with convincing and encouraging people to come on board and support the “National Youth Organization” here in our small community that the service was here to help us – not just people in Toronto . I started building the relationship, bridging the gap between the big city and the small urban towns. Please do not turn a blind eye and make people’s perceptions as I’ve described it the true reality.
*All organizational and personal names have been changed to protect identities.