Showing posts with label Prime Minister Harper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prime Minister Harper. Show all posts

Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Idle No More Movement: My Informal Thoughts...

The current grassroots movement known as Idle No More has been growing rapidly. At the very least one can hope that the rising media stories can begin to stir some positive interest in Canadians to seek information and to educate themselves towards a better understanding of how Aboriginal Peoples are consistently and continually mistreated in this country. The seeking of information will need to dig deeper than mainstream media in order to gain a full view and perspective of what is really happening with our First Nations Peoples. I have included in this blog what I think is a great video. Please see  below, I encourage readers to sit down, grab a coffee and watch this 36 minute video.

The treatment of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada is on record and factual information not widely spoken about or understood by the average Canadian. 

Unless and until individuals seek out facts, one can and will easily continue the discrimination towards Aboriginal Peoples. I think that unless it is intentional and deliberate on the part of an individual person, the discrimination is not to be blamed solely as a fault of this individual. In understanding more about the Aboriginal Peoples culture it becomes very apparent very quickly that fault clearly lies in the effective and systemic colonization practices of the Canadian government. For the Canadian government (and remember what the Canadian government has done is factual information) the process has been methodical over many many years. The process has been about control, dictation, force, disrespect etc. with the ultimate goal being assimilation of the Aboriginal Peoples into becoming something they are not, a Canadian Citizens. It is a disgrace, it is disheartening and it is a reality in Canada in 2013! Yes it really is happening in our beloved country.

The severe and disturbing trend that is colonization and the negative inter-generational impacts consistently imparted upon the Aboriginal Peoples creates an unease and an unrest in me. What further disturbs me is not enough individuals taking time to seek out reliable, factual information that will better inform them and consequentially their children. Please do not stay idle and rest upon knowledge and information that was provided to you rather seek out information and inform yourself. You will be shocked.

I am an individual who up until many years ago who fell into the same trap as many others I refer to as the average Canadian. I was raised a particular way and attended publicly funded schools; schools that teach the history of Aboriginal Peoples! I was raised naturally thinking I knew about the Aboriginal Peoples and believed I had an understanding of who the First Nations Peoples were and what they represented in 'my' country. Basically I had absolutely no reason as an impressionable young person to question anything related to Aboriginal Peoples, the original inhabitants of our land. My upbringing and what I learned made me educated and informed, right? Wrong! As my knowledge and awareness increased so too did my disappointment in Canada as a country. The country I grew up loving was turning on the very Peoples who inhabited the land we live on; punishing, stealing and hurting these Peoples. Talk about confusing, talk about hypocrisy, talk about being let down...what I know now, as a more informed and educated adult, is that the Canadian government has succeeded in the colonization of our Aboriginal Peoples.

I feel privileged to have attended a University that resides on sacred land and that embraces its Aboriginal Peoples, their culture and their traditions.

I am grateful that I have had the opportunity to study Indigenous Cultures and even at the most basic level I have learned more about the Aboriginal Peoples and their culture. I am committed to staying informed and continuing my learning with an open mind! I know my life will be enriched beyond measure by becoming more aware and inclusive.

I view Aboriginal Peoples with awe and admiration. I see the Peoples as smart and intelligent and so powerfully healing in their beliefs and traditions; their ability to help themselves is adequate, however, 'white' people interfere with this process. I am one of those white people! However being informed helps me to break down barriers! It can help communities to break down barriers to the Aboriginal Peoples!

We can learn so much from the Aboriginal culture not just as individuals but as a societal whole. Our Canadian children and youth are suffering from the general unhealthy state of our world today. The many suicides, serious mental health diagnoses and familial breakdowns leave cracks and holes in the foundation for which children are building their lives upon. These norms in our culture are contrary to the traditions within the Aboriginal Culture, where the culture was intended to be and not where colonization has brought them. We have so much to learn from our Aboriginal Peoples. As a society who values what is reported in mainstream media and by word of mouth without questioning reliability and sources we must be reminded that this practices perpetuate the negativity. We must question the motives and reliability of the information as it is stated!

By not embracing and collectively working alongside and together with our Aboriginal Peoples Canadians are losing valuable leadership and healing potential! 

We have the answer or at the very least the start of something good right in our own communities especially when it comes to helping our children and youth and creating positive influences growing our kids towards their optimal potential. Unfortunately complex political policies,explanations and personal judgements continue to get in the way of  who Canada is, a lost Canada that continues to deny the Aboriginal Peoples and their culture.

I hope to someday locate the band information for my great grandmother, a woman stripped of her status rights because of who she chose to marry I am told. A big piece of my familial puzzle is lost because of colonization. But onwards I go! I feel empowered by movements like Idle No More.

The video below is a good start to understanding the complexities of who our Aboriginal Peoples are in Canada. Watch this wonderfully presented video on "Breaking Down the Indian Act".


I do not propose to to be any kind of expert on the topic of politics or Aboriginal Law and I welcome any and all comments, questions, concerns or information that I may be lacking in my simple blog post. I write this blog as I do all blogs with an open mind and encourage others to do the same.

Thank you for your time. I hope you feel compelled to continue to seek out ways you can be informed and stand up against how the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada are being treated!
